Helicopters and Rescue Teams Mobilized in Response to Devastating Floods in Emilia-Romagna

The image shows several aerial units involved in rescue operations for the flooding that struck Emilia-Romagna today. In this tragic emergency, rescue teams, including helicopters from the Italian Air Force, the Guardia di Finanza, and the Fire Brigade, are working tirelessly to assist populations isolated by the overflowing rivers and floods.

Helicopters such as the Leonardo HH139 and MH169 are vital tools for evacuating people trapped in critical areas like Faenza, Ravenna, and Forlì.

Among the deployed helicopters is the “Drago” from the Fire Brigade, used to rescue individuals stranded in flooded homes, particularly in areas like Bagnacavallo and Cotignola, where the Lamone and Senio rivers have breached their banks, causing dangerous flooding. Additionally, aquatic rescue teams are operating on the ground, with particularly challenging missions in Forlì, where disabled residents were evacuated from a healthcare facility.

The intervention of aerial forces is crucial to ensuring that aid reaches the most isolated areas and supports the ongoing rescue operations in this unprecedented emergency.

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