Italian Air Force ATR P-72A (MM62298) departed from Sigonella AB is making a patrol mission off Libya coast.

This asset is fully integrated in EU Task Force.
The P-72A is a multi-role aircraft capable of performing a huge number of operations, thanks to extremely advanced equipment. It is able to operate effectively at low and medium altitude, with different weather conditions, regardless of the light and performing advanced maritime and electronic surveillance.
EUNAVFOR MED operation Sophia (ENFM) is a Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) operation focused on disrupting the business model of migrant smugglers and human traffickers, and contributing to EU efforts for the return of stability and security in Libya and the Central Mediterranean region. ENFM is the first EU maritime force providing maritime security in the Central Mediterranean and works closely with different national, international, governmental and non-governmental, civilian and military organizations. Initially launched in 2015, ENFM is part of the EU’s comprehensive approach to migration.
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