We’ve received via twitter this photo taken yesterday afternoon.
We have no confirmation about the origianl source of this image but it seems an UAV, probably a Wing Loong, in flight over Tripoli, Libya.
Wing Loong, is a Medium-Altitude Long-Endurance (MALE) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), developed by the Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group in the People’s Republic of China. Intended for use as a surveillance and aerial reconnaissance platform, the Wing Loong is capable of being fitted with air-to-surface weapons for use in an unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV) role.
Based on official marketing material released by CADI, the UAV can carry the BA-7 air-to-ground missile, YZ-212 laser-guided bomb, YZ-102A anti-personnel bomb and 50-kilogram LS-6 miniature guided bomb.
It’s in service with Egypt and United Arab Emirates .

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