Russian Navy

The Ivan Khurs has been hit (video)


We have learned that propaganda in general, and Russian propaganda in particular, is not to be trusted.

Yesterday, the Russian Defence Ministry had declared that the spy ship ‘Ivan Khurs’, sailing in the Black Sea, had been attacked by three Ukrainian maritime drones and that all three had been neutralised (also posting a video).

Today, however, a new video appeared, taken by one of the Ukrainian drones, which shows instead that the ship was hit by at least one of the Kiev boats.

The video stops at the moment of the impact with the ship and therefore it is not possible to define the extent of the damage suffered, but certainly the Russian vessel was damaged.

A Turkish Navy ATR P-72TMPA (reg. TCB-756) is operating in the area this afternoon, conducting a surveillance mission over international waters and also operating within the Ukrainian FIR in Simferopolis. Missions of this type are not uncommon and we do not know whether it could be directly connected with the attack on the “Ivan Khurs”.

In the same area, a USAF Northrop Grumman RQ-4B took off from Sigonella also operated for a long time.

Written by
itamilradar -

Monitoring military aircraft and ships movements over Italy and Mediterranean Sea

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