After just over a month, the ITS Trieste (L9890) left dry dock number 4 at the “San Marco” Trieste Arsenal, where it underwent maintenance and preparation for her combat system. Currently, the ship is navigating off the coast of Calabria, with its final destination being La Spezia.
The Trieste was launched on May 29, 2019, in the city of Castellammare di Stabia and later transferred to the Fincantieri facilities in Muggiano (La Spezia). Since January 2020, it has been undergoing outfitting work, interrupted only by maintenance in dry dock in Palermo in the summer of 2022.

The LHD Trieste, whose motto is “Fulge super mare,” represents the first unit of its kind in the national shipbuilding industry. Prototype in many aspects, with a length of 245 meters and a displacement of 38,000 tonnes, the Trieste has pronounced capabilities for projecting military power and conducting amphibious assault operations, ensuring prolonged presence in operational areas with high logistical autonomy.
The Trieste is the second unit of the MMI to bear this name after the cruiser Trieste of the Regia Marina, which entered service in 1929 with the motto “Redenta Redimo.”
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