Italian presence in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea

The (approximate) positions of some ships refer to the last decade of November. Obviously, there may have been changes since then.

The Eastern Mediterranean is currently one of the hottest areas in the world, both due to the Gaza crisis and the only Russian port in the Mediterranean, Tartus.

It is therefore normal for the attention of numerous navies, particularly NATO, to be focused on this area. There are approximately twenty NATO units present in the region, and of these, seven are Italian Navy units, demonstrating the importance of this area for Italian national interests, both geopolitically and economically (considering ENI’s gas fields).

These include 3 frigates, an offshore patrol vessel (OPV), a tanker/hospital ship, a landing dock, and at least one submarine. Specifically, here are the latest known positions (thanks in part to an image released by the Turkish Navy, which is provided above):

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