The tension between Greece and Turkey is not decreasing but maybe in the next hours the situation could change.
Actually the research ship Oruc Reis seems returning to Antalya after three days of work inside the waters of the Greek EEZ (which however Turkey does not recognize) escorted by some units (at least 6) of the Turkish navy. Greek naval units also operate in the same area.

Since the crisis erupted in intensity we have tracked at least two missions per day of an Embraer EMB-145 AEW & C (757) based in Souda Bay AB that took place east of Crete. The morning mission was operated with the callsign OURAN41, the mission of the afternoon with the callsign OURAN42.

Today we also recorded a missions of a Turkish Air Force Boeing E-7T (13-004) AWACS that took off from Konya AB and operated over southern Anatolia, near the Aegean coast, and west of Cyprus.

We do not know if there are other aircraft in the area but it is highly probable.
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